Some tools written in Interactive Data Language (IDL)

The Interactive Data Language

IDL is a programming language for scientific data analyses. It is widely used in the astronomical community, and has a rich astronomical library maintained by NASA (The IDL Astronomy User's Library). This page provides some useful IDL tools written by me.

A quick start guide to IDL

SIMPLE Imaging and Mosaicking PipeLinE (SIMPLE)

SIMPLE is an IDL based data reduction package for optical and near-infrared imaging, particularly for mosaic cameras. Currently it is optimized for MOIRCS (Subaru) and WIRCam (CFHT). A version for WFCAM (UKIRT) is being developed. A less tailored version for MegaCam (CFHT) also exists.

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Some Useful Tools

Routine Description Generate a 2-D circular Gaussian. Generate a circular aperture with identical values. Generate a circular exp[-r^(5/3)] seeing PSF. Cross-match two catalogs and find overlapping objects. Useful for dealing with multi-wavelength catalogs. A subroutine is required. Expand an image and update header astrometry. Mask polygon regions in an image. Merge two vectors into one. Detect objects in an image. This was written to replace in the IDL Astronomy Library, by using the SExtractor package, which is quite standard in extragalactic astronomy for generating source catalogs. Comparing to, produces better flux measurements and more accurate source positions. To use this, you must have both the IDL Astronomy Library (how to?) and SExtractor installed in your system, and the subroutine in your working directory or included in the IDL library. You also need to have a SExtractor configuration file and a catalog parameter file in your working directory. Here are examples of the configuration file sexfind.default and parameter file sexfind.param. Write a set of RA/Dec or x/y circles into ds9's reg file. Useful to see how a catalog and an image match.