PRO sexfind, image, x, y, flux, fluxerr, fwhm, elongation, $ sexconfig = sexconfig, autoflux = autoflux, options = options ; ; NAME ; sexfind ; ; PURPOSE ; Use SExtractor to find objects and obtain x/y positions and ; fluxes. This is to replace for better photometry. ; ; INPUTS ; image - image to detect objects ; ; OUTPUT ; x,y - image positions of detected objects, in IDL convension. ; flux,fluxerr - fluxes and associated errors of detected objects. ; fwhm - image fwhm of detected objects. ; elongation - elongation of the objects. ; ; OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ; sexconfig - string, configuration file name for sextractor. ; Default is 'sexfind.default'. ; autoflux - When set to 0 (default), will use aperture fluxes. ; If set to 1, will use auto-aperture fluxes. ; ; NOTE: ; The configuration file (sexconfig) for SExtractor needs to be ; provided externally. In addition, an output parameter file ; needs to be provided and specified in the configuration file ; (default is 'PARAMETERS_NAME sexfind.param'). Currently the ; parameters are NUMBER, X_IMAGE, Y_IMAGE, FLUX_APER, FLUXERR_APER, ; FLUX_AUTO, FLUXERR_AUTO, FWHM_IMAGE, and ELONGATION. In this ; version, users can choose to use aperture fluxes or SExtractor's ; auto-aperture fluxes. The aperture size (and many other ; configurations) is specified in the configuration file. ; ; VERSION ; 1.0, 20050709 by WHWANG ; 1.1, 20060115 by WHWANG ; 1.2, 20060522 by WHWANG ; IF n_elements(autoflux) EQ 0 THEN autoflux = 0 IF n_elements(sexconfig) EQ 0 THEN sexconfig = 'sexfind.default' IF n_elements(silent) EQ 0 THEN silent = 0 IF n_elements(thres) EQ 0 THEN thres = 3 IF n_elements(options) EQ 0 THEN options = '' ; use bg rms value and a random number to name the temp file imsize = size(image,/dimen) IF total(imsize) GT 200 THEN $ sky, image[0.35*imsize[0]:0.65*imsize[0], 0.35*imsize[1]:0.65*imsize[1]], bg, rms, /nan, /silent IF total(imsize) LE 200 THEN $ sky, image, bg, rms, /nan, /silent filename = 'sexfind'+strtrim((round(rms*abs(randomn(seed,1))*10.0^(fix(6.0-alog10(rms))))),2) image2 = image A = where(finite(image) EQ 0) IF total(A) GT -1 THEN image2[A] = bg mwrfits, image2, filename+'.fits', /create spawn, 'sex '+filename+'.fits -c '+sexconfig+' -CATALOG_NAME '+filename+'.ASC '+options my_read_ascii, filename+'.ASC', array, 9, nskip=9 IF n_elements(array) NE 0 THEN BEGIN x = reform(array[1,*])-1 y = reform(array[2,*])-1 flux = reform(array[3,*]) fluxerr = reform(array[4,*]) IF autoflux EQ 1 THEN flux = reform(array[5,*]) IF autoflux EQ 1 THEN fluxerr = reform(array[6,*]) fwhm = reform(array[7,*]) elongation = reform(array[8,*]) ENDIF IF n_elements(array) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, "SEXFIND: no detections. x=y=flux=fluxerr=-999 will be returned." x = -999 y = -999 flux = -999 fluxerr = -999 ENDIF spawn, 'rm '+filename+'.ASC' spawn, 'rm '+filename+'.fits' END