PRO cross_cats, ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, radius, index, multi = multi, r_min = r_min ; ; PURPOSE: ; Identify overlap sources in two catalogs by searching source ; pairs with separations withing a certain value. ; ; INPUTS: ; ra1, dec1 - double precision vectors that contain source ra ; and dec in the first catalog, in unit of degree. ; ra2, dec2 - ra, dec of the second catalog ; radius - searching radius, in arcsec ; multi - set to 1 to avoid two sources having the same counterpart. ; In this case, the counterpart will be assigned to the source ; that is closest to the counterpart. Could be time consuming. ; ; OUTPUT: ; index - integer vector that has the same number of elements ; as the first catalog indicating which source in cat2 ; is the counterpart. If -1, the corresponding cat1 ; source doesn't have a counterpart in cat2. ; ; NOTE: 1. It doesn't work if your sources are close (<1 arcmin, maybe) ; to the poles. ; 2. The subroutine is required. ; ; If n_elements(multi) EQ 0 THEN multi = 0 n1 = n_elements(ra1) IF n1 LE 2000 THEN cross_dogs, ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, radius, index, multi = multi IF n1 LE 2000 THEN goto, finish index = lon64arr(n1)*0-1 ; roughly 1000-2000 sources per block, if uniformly distributed ncut = ceil(sqrt(ceil(n1/2000.0))) ra_max = max(ra1) ra_min = min(ra1) dec_max = max(dec1) dec_min = min(dec1) dra = (ra_max - ra_min)/ncut ddec = (dec_max - dec_min)/ncut ;order1 = sort(ra1) ;order2 = sort(dec1) ;dn = n1*1.0/ncut FOR i=0,ncut-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0,ncut-1 DO BEGIN A = where(ra1 GE i*dra+ra_min AND ra1 LE (i+1)*dra+ra_min AND $ dec1 GE j*ddec+dec_min AND dec1 LE (j+1)*ddec+dec_min) IF total(A) NE -1 THEN BEGIN cross_dogs, ra1[A], dec1[A], ra2, dec2, radius, index2, multi = multi index[A] = index2 ENDIF ; why plan B doesn't work well?? ; B = where(order1 GE i*dn AND order1 LE (i+1)*dn AND $ ; order2 GE j*dn AND order2 LE (j+1)*dn) ; IF total(B) NE -1 THEN BEGIN ; cross_dogs, ra1[order1[B]], dec1[order2[B]], ra2, dec2, radius, index2, multi = multi ; index[B] = index2 ; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR finish: END