The 2020 June 21 Annular Solar Eclipse
Takahashi TOA-150, 67 flattener, Fujifilm GFX-50R.
Takahashi TOA-150, 67 flattener, Fujifilm GFX-50R.
Borg 90FL, 1.4x Teleconverter GR, modified Nikon D800. HDR composition of exposures from 1/3200 to 4 sec.
Borg 90FL, 1.4x Teleconverter GR, modified Nikon D800. Exposure time = 1/3200 to 1/8000 sec.
Borg 90FL, 1.4x Teleconverter GR, modified Nikon D800. HDR composition of exposures from 1/1600 to 1/800 sec.
Takahashi TOA-150, modified Canon EOS 5D2.
Pentax 105 SDHF, Mamiya 645 Super, Kodak E100S color reversal.
Pentax 105 SDHF, RC0.77x67 reducer, Pentax 67. Fujifilm NPH 400 color negative. Exposure time = 20 min.
Nikon AIS 50mm/F1.4, Nikon F3. Konica LV 400 color negative. Exposure time = 1.7 hr.